How Cregaatine could improve Tennis performance
Tennis is a game of short, repetitive, high-intensity activities interspersed with rest periods. Because of its complex nature, it depends on both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.
Creatine vs CreGAAtine in Tennis
Why is cregaatine better for tennisplayers ???
It has all the creatine capabilities but adition of GAA gives him a hump over the edge.
CREGAATINE improves weaker muscle groups, usually upper body, which could make the huge impact on tennis performance (e.g. service, forhand, backhand)
CREGAATINE does not influence body weight and body water, unlike creatine does
CREGAATINE has antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacities
CREGAATINE can enhance recovery
CREGAATINE increases levels of brain creatine more efficiently than any other creatine supplement. This could influence decision-making strategies and enhance alertness
There is no need for loading phase with CREGAATINE supplementation
CREGAATINE might be a “silver bullet “for tennis players. It’s reasonable to assume that it could have a significant impact on tennis performance.